And I need help.
I have posted WAY too much on this subject… you can read reference to my soiled house here, here, here, and here. And these are just a few!
I have tried. Really I have. But most of the times, I can barely get the dishes done. I don’t have time (or quite frankly, the drive) to scrub the boogers, clean their rooms, and exterminate the lurking germs around the home. I don’t know if it is that I have 5 kids, 4 of them boys. I don’t know if it is because they can’t seem to identify a garbage can or laundry basket. I don’t know if it is that I am just a lousy house keeper. Whatever it is, my house gets messy and I need help.
I am not talking about the kind of help you get from a 9 year old who is trying to get his job done so he can go catch grasshoppers with his friend. Not even the kind of help you get by standing over your kids on a Saturday morning with an allegorical whip! No. I am talking about professional help. Serious, professional help – by way of one of my favorite ladies!!
So, I am also enjoying a clean home, if for only a few hours, while I try to escape the fury of the Guilt Fairy. Who knows how long it will last, but I am so glad for today!
C'Mon in... take a look around!
T & R's room is clean and beds are made! Noticed the dresser is cleaned off?
J's room is clean -- bed made!

S's room is clean (yes those are penguins!)
S's room is clean (yes those are penguins!)
But it is CLEAN!
I don't see this too often. A sparkely toilet... Looks so good I might just eat in here!
That's a mirror your looking at, baby!!!
I am so happy, I don't even mind showing you my chubby arms!
(notice how cleverly I hide my double chins)
Oh I so have wanted a housekeeper or just someone to help me... I, too, believe the state of my house equals the state of my mental health... Your house looks delicious! Hats off to Kathy and to Ceclia! Good work Ladies! (is it expensive?)
So, if I only have three boys plus a little angel, does that make me eligible for some of this professional help?
And does it come with some kind of a warranty? Like, "Guaranteed Clean For Five Days"??? Heck, I'd be happy with five hours...
It looks fab! I've only got two kids, so we do okay. It also helps that our place is super small. :)
congrats!!! your house look samazing!
C.L.E.A.N and worth EVERY penny! I'm with you--for me, this IS a necessity, at least while my children are all young! Bravo! On that note--my cleaning ladies are coming every OTHER week, and this is their week off--so I was on the hook to clean the house today. They can do in 3 hours what it took me ALL DAY to do! UGH. And it still doesn't look half as good in here!
I say, if it makes you this happy, it HAS to be worth it! Oh, any btw, I didn't find any chubby arms in that photo?! Enjoy your weekend in your clean house!!!
Many hugs............
I so need to hire a cleaning service. I get so used to the clutter and trash that it all becomes invisible to me. I've walked past the handprints on the wall so many times that now I can't see them anymore.
Your house looks great. Enjoy it while it lasts.
Hey we got the new family list emailed to us and I thought I'd update anyone's blog that I didn't already have. So I hope you don't mind- I added your to my list.
Your house is beautiful! The kitchen and living room look so spacious! You are lucky.
I know it is hard to keep a house clean w/ 3 kids- I can't imagine trying to keep up w/ 5. It feels never ending.
It looks awesome though!
I spent spring break packing and cleaning out my childrens rooms, and the rest of the house. So glad to have clean, sad that it took moving to get me cleaning out the clutter that made our rooms look messy.
Are you coming to my house next?? It looks wonderful.
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