You can tell a lot about a person by what they do in their spare time. When I was younger, I couldn’t understand my mom’s need for hobbies. She loved genealogy and had all sorts of projects she kept up. She was always busy. But no matter how many projects she had going on, no matter how busy she was, there was always one constant spread out on her workspace.

At any given time, I could go into my mom’s office and find her scriptures open to the current chapter she was studying. Often there was a red colored pencil close by for highlighting, a notebook to record her feelings and sometimes some type of study guide. But always her oversized scriptures, in their worn, red leather case. Open.
I was reflecting the other day on this. I thought how grateful I was for that example. We may have had our share of disagreements. But I always knew where she stood when it came to her testimony. I always knew she loved the Lord – and His Sacred Words.
And you know what? I love that! I love that memory. I love that I can look back and remember my mom studied the scriptures. I want to set that example for my kids. I want them to know I love the Lord. I am so grateful for a mom that taught me that!
I love this post.. especially because a memory that I always have of my parents is seeing them pray. And now, as I have matured in age and life, I now find myself praying or studying in the wee hours of morning and my children waking up to "Mom studying her scriptures." I pray it will have the same profound effect on them as it has on me.
My mom did the same thing. I swear you seem to always been one step ahead of exactly what I need. Just last night I was thinking that I have let my scripture study slip again and I need to get back on it, then I wake up and ready this.
Thanks for the great reminders you always give.
what a wonderful example! I love the scriptures. Seriously have to have them every morning!!! Hopefully my kids will blog about this one day. I didn't have that kinda of example per say so it warms my heart to know that children do notice. thanks!
What a precious memory! I too have those memories of my Mom and Dad and of them praying. When I was a child, we used to sing this old hymn "If I Could Hear My Mother Pray Again"; I never appreciated that song until my own Momma went to be with Jesus. Oh, what I would give to hear her sweet voice lifting up prayers and praises to the Lord once again! Have a blessed day and thanks for the memories!
Many hugs...........
I really love this post:)
My son said to me the other day that he would always remember me working on the family photos. That meant the world to me (especially since I was feeling overwhelmed with life at that moment!)
Hey! I haven't been logging on for a while, you're blog is always so cute. I love this thought, my mom did the same thing for me. I learned most about the gospel in the early morning discussions I'd have with my mom while she was having her own personal scripture study and she chose to share it with me while I'd be eating my frosted mini-wheats and banana's at 6am everyday. Very indebted to such a great teacher.
Thanks for the reminder.
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