B is two. Need I say more?
She loves to play, jump, run, sing, dance, and cut her own hair. And of course she loves to decorate with markers.
On everything!
Now, she thinks it’s so much fun to color on something, run get a baby wipe and get it cleaned up. I don’t think there is any part of her that realizes it’s not really a game! And she really isn’t supposed to color on walls, refrigerators, non-coloring books and, of course, her body.
It really is becoming quite old.
The other day, once again, I found myself holding my tongue, marching my little Picasso to the bathroom to wash permanent marker from her hand. I was feeling quite annoyed that we were doing this AGAIN.
While B was happily chattering away about the beautiful design on her hand, I quietly bit my lip and scrubbed away.
It took a while.
And while I scrubbed a funny thing began to happen.
I started to notice how soft the inside of her hand felt. I looked closer at all the pudgy lines that ran across her palm. I became acutely aware of how tiny her hand was in comparison to mine.
And my heart began to melt.
I thought to myself how lucky I was to have this little hand to wash. I felt such a love and tenderness for this small person Heavenly Father put into my life. And all too soon, her hand was clean. I felt the coolness of her wet hand and longed to keep washing it, to keep holding it.
At that moment, heaven touched earth and I knew I had a precious gift from God.
So, what if she colors all over my walls.
She loves to play, jump, run, sing, dance, and cut her own hair. And of course she loves to decorate with markers.
On everything!
Now, she thinks it’s so much fun to color on something, run get a baby wipe and get it cleaned up. I don’t think there is any part of her that realizes it’s not really a game! And she really isn’t supposed to color on walls, refrigerators, non-coloring books and, of course, her body.
It really is becoming quite old.
The other day, once again, I found myself holding my tongue, marching my little Picasso to the bathroom to wash permanent marker from her hand. I was feeling quite annoyed that we were doing this AGAIN.
While B was happily chattering away about the beautiful design on her hand, I quietly bit my lip and scrubbed away.
It took a while.
And while I scrubbed a funny thing began to happen.
I started to notice how soft the inside of her hand felt. I looked closer at all the pudgy lines that ran across her palm. I became acutely aware of how tiny her hand was in comparison to mine.
And my heart began to melt.
I thought to myself how lucky I was to have this little hand to wash. I felt such a love and tenderness for this small person Heavenly Father put into my life. And all too soon, her hand was clean. I felt the coolness of her wet hand and longed to keep washing it, to keep holding it.
At that moment, heaven touched earth and I knew I had a precious gift from God.
So, what if she colors all over my walls.

That is very tender. I think I will take a closer look at my boys' hands tomorrow!
Wow! Good for you. My little Alex LOVES putting her artwork on her feet, arms, legs, belly... and I must admit I definitely do not stay as calm as you when I am washing it off.
Thanks for the reminder about what is really important.
Oh dear Kathy, what a precious and tender post. My heart is so touched by your love for this wonderful little angel baby the Lord has given you. Thank you so much for sharing this very intimate moment with us. How blessed we are to be allowed entrance to such a private moment between you and your precious B.
Many hugs..............
P.S. RE: The pictures I have been using on my Saturday 'contentment' posts, I have no idea who the artist is or where to purchase them.
RE: My genealogy posts on Fridays, I am not a professional genealogist, but it is my most addictive hobby. I love family history and always have. I have such a collection of things. My problem is getting it organized! :(
My little Bekkah is a budding artist as well. Thank heaven for crayola washables and magic eraser...and for these precious gifts Heavenly Father has given us to raise, if only for a little while.
Oh so very sweet... and a good reminder to take a deep breath and to put things in perspective!
great post!
Wow, that was very cool! Such a great reminder to stop and enjoy each moment we've been given with our "babies" because, soon their hands aren't so little anymore. I wish I could remember this more often.
Thank you for that new perspective on little girls who think the whole world is their canvass, and they use permanent markers to decorate it. You should visit some of my pasts posts about Grace's exploits with markers. I'll admire her chubby soft skin next time I have to scrub it clean the night before her ballet recital and her entire face is dark green.
What a wonderful perspective! If only I could always remember that when times get challenging! Thank you for the sweet thoughts.
You have a gift of seeing the eternal perspective in the every day experiences! Thank you for that and next time I am about to lose it with my two-year-old, I'll reflect on how very lucky I am to have him in my life.
My favorite post ever!!!! I want to run upstairs and feel the palm of my sweet angel's hand right now! Thanks for the reminder to take it easy on them.
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