Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Say Cheese!!

So I have been playing with my camera a little... got to snap some pictures of some very important people.

Here are my favorites.

R had to dress up for a presentation at school a couple months ago and I couldn't resist -- he looked so cute. So, while he wanted to hurry out to his carpool, I had to snap some pictures... How cute is this boy???

You might recognize some of these cuties from the blogosphere. I loved this little family of boys. Too bad it was 100+ degrees out. The boys were good sports though and we got some cute shots!
You got to love this next one... it was so hot and these sweeties were about done. Love this picture probably the most -- well, after the one above.

We recently took a trip to Utah and I had a chance to take photos of my nieces and nephew...

This is my oldest niece... She can not take a bad picture. Period. She is beautiful!
And, she doesn't like the Jonas Brothers. The very mention of them made her make the CUTEST face!
This next one is my favorite shot of her... I caught her without a smile which is near impossible. Love it!

Next is this sweet little thing. If you ever met this angel, your heart would melt. I feel like scooping her up everytime we visit -- but now she is getting too old for that. What a beauty!
Here is the only boy of the clan. Look at those dimples!

 Next, Miss Brown Eyes.

Another sweet girl

Finally, the last girl... at least for now. My brother and his wife are expecting their 6th girl!! But hey, if you make 'em like this, why not have as many as you can! :)


Anonymous said...

Wow! Great pictures! I like how you can see the personality in so many of them.

Teanne said...

Wow! You take great pictures. And you have some really cute nieces and nephews. :) I love the crinkled nose face after the mention of Jonas Brothers. haha- so cute.
I haven't read your blog for awhile, so I scrolled down too and had to laugh at your daughter's funny pillow talk. Haha. And that's so nice that you have a little gardener too. How sweet. :)

That Girl said...

Dang girl.

Seriously. DANG.

I think my favorite is the first one.