Remember when T had his adenoids out? Well, evidently, here is his interpretation of what happened. Remember he is 6 and just getting the hang of this spelling thing. As a result, translation follows... :)

Translation: Dr.
I went to the Dr. I went up. And I got on the bench and I put on a mask and when I breathed 4 times I fell asleep and thats how they got my adenoids.
I love love love this! Kids are wonderful! I miss this type of writing! (as a teacher and a mom)
I love seeing the world through kids' eyes. The world seems so much more simple.
I must be a mom because I didn't need the translation; I understood it perfectly. Too cute!
So easy! I think I should get mine out too ...
What a fun thing to keep! My 5 y/o's learning to write and usually has to translate things for me. I love reading about the world thru his simple and kind. I have a few things to learn from him.
sooo cute! I love K and 1st grade stuff :)
That is really soooo cute! I loved that he spelled "breavd" the same way he says it. So cute!
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