Thursday, May 21, 2009

Book Worms

Have you EVER read in the bathroom?

Be honest. I know I am guilty. Sometimes, you just need something to bide your time.

But let’s think about something for a second.

Library books.

Especially the potty training ones I used to check out.

Where do you think those books are read?

Are we really going to try to believe that they are read without one person sneezing, coughing or wiping their – er, nose?

How many of those books are littered with little creepy crawly’s just waiting to spread the latest pandemic??

Just Google Fomite and library books… see what turns up.

Just one more reason why I'm a sucker for bookstores.

Thanks for getting me thinking, Diane!


pan x 8 said...

WoW Kathy... I am so guilty as charged and now I'm thinking of sanitizing the books when I bring them home, esp since I'm a library junkie!

Emmy said...

Hmm thanks, I am going to have a hard time going to the library now ;)

Unknown said...

ewwww...but I love the library...

pan x 8 said...
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Erin said...

I know, I make my kids wash their hands when we get home from the library, but we still have 15 library books sitting on our living room floor with who knows what crawling all over them. Yuck!

Boy Mom said...

Ewwwww! You're too funny.

Teanne said...

ewww, gross. We love library books. But now they're all going to look like germ books to me. I'm going to have to sanitize books and wash hands after reading... or something. Wow. Weird that I never thought about that before now.

Anonymous said...

Wow, and I always thought those brown marks on the pages of library books was chocolate someone was eating while they read the book!

heather said...

I've thought about this before, but with just regular books as I've never potty trained anyone. I've been known to lysol wipe down covers and pages. :)

Just SO said...

I'm going to go on living in my little state of denial and pretending I didn't read this post. Lalalalala!

Laurie said...

Sorry Kathy I am purposely not reading the Fomite thing because we are always at the library. I looove the library.
Besides we need to build up our immune systems.;)