Tuesday, April 14, 2009

When boys get scared...

It is understandable really.

I mean we were just getting back from Monsters vs. Aliens. So really, everyone was jumpy.

After all, Hubby did shine the headlights on the little kitty’s eyes, making them glow like in a really bad photo.

And, I did gasp that “don’t-you-dare-run-over-that-cat” gasp.

So really it was understandable that two of my boys – not my two year old girl – screamed at the top of their lungs like they had just seen a horribly scary monster.

Yes. They screamed, like girls, at the top of their lungs for a good ten seconds… over a cat.

Because a black and white cat can be mistaken for a monster you know.

Maybe. If it were bigger, more hairy and not as cute.

But hey, they were still jittery from the movie, right? (I know it wasn't scary, just humor me here)

By the way, if you have seen the movie, what is the name of that infernal song the President plays on the key board? You know, the one that will be stuck in my head for the rest of forever…


Unknown said...

Oh goodness... I can't remember that song... but it went on and on...

Isn't it funny how little things can be scary over no reason at all.I love it...

Fiauna said...

So funny. No, I haven't seen the movie, so I can't help you with the song.

Becky said...

Monsters, aliens, and fuzzy felines. They should totally make that the sequel!

Jillene said...

I don't blame them. I am not a cat lover so I would have screamed in horror too!!

Anonymous said...

good to know about the movie, thanks

Jessica said...

oh my goodness!!! This Blog just made my day.